
Peer Reviewed Publications

2024 "Police Staffing Using Non-Parametric Frontier Methods". Working Paper: (Forthcoming)

2024 "The Effects of Body-Worn Cameras on Police Efficiency: A Study of Local Police Agencies in the US. (International Criminal Justice Review). Working Paper: BWC_Efficiency.pdf

2024 "Balancing Act: Assessing Police Efficiency Amidst Staffing Shortages through Inverse Data Envelopment Analysis. (Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice). Working Paper: BALANCING_ACT_WP.pdf; PPT: ASEBP_2024.pdf

2023 "Doing more with less?.Assessing the cost efficiency of US local police organizations". (Applied Economics Letters). 

2023 "The effects of differential timing in the adoption of BWCs on civilian complaints". (Policing: An International Journal).

2023  ”Procedural justice, perceived injustice, legal cynicism and police performance: understanding the decision to report victimisation to the police in Caribbean countriest”. Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy.(with Lee, C.S.; J.L. Chenane; M.S. Morabito; R. R. Bennett)

2023  "Modernization plans for the Mexican customs system: Have they really worked? A productivity impact assessment”. Applied Economics.

2022. Measuring the spending efficiency of recently decentralized local governments: A multiple stage conditional efficiency model. Applied Economics Letters (with L. Andonoska)

2021. "Satisfaction with the Police in Chile: The Importance of Legitimacy and Fair Treatment". Latin America Politics and Society. (with L. Dammert & F. Elorrieta)

2021. "Evaluating a citizen security pilot in Honduras: The economic benefits of a much reduced murder rate".  Development Policy Review. (with J. Cuesta) 

2020. "Measuring municipal spending efficiency: Evidence from Macedonia's decentralization reform". Public Finance and Management. (with L.Andonoska) 

2020. "Does Size Influence Jail Efficiency? An Analysis of Local Jails in the United States. Corrections: Policy, Practice, and Research.

2019. "Weathering the Storm!. The effects of the External Environment on Police Performance in Perú". Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management. (with L. Dammert).

2019. "Does a Complex Environment Affect Police Performance? An Examination on Municipal Police in Mexico". Applied Economics Letters (with V.Giménez & D.Prior).

2019. "Measuring the Efficiency of Humanitarian Aid". Economics Letters. (with J. Cuesta)87.

2019. "Antecedents of Perceived Fairness in Criminal Courts: A Comparative Analysis". International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice (with R.Bennett, N.Marion, M.Morabito, & S. Baxter)

2017. "Quality of institutions and violence incidence: A cross-country analysis". Atlantic Economic Journal (with E. Tebaldi).

2017. "Confidence in the Police and Fear of Crime in the Developing World". Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management (with R. Bennett & M. Morabito).

2016."Examining the Impact of Grants to Reduce Violent Crime against Women on Campus". Review of Higher Education. (with J. Palmer).

2014. "How are Police doing in Combating Crime? An Efficiency Analysis of the Policía Nacional Civil in Guatemala". Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management.

2014. "Links between Terrorism, Organized Crime and Crime: The Case of the Sahel Region". Stability: International Journal of Security and Development 3(1), Art-27. (with J. Sala)

2012. "The Effects of Social Capital on Victimization in Colombia." Journal of Peace Research 49.6 (2012): 833-846. (with J. Cuesta).

2011. "A comprehensive estimation of costs of crime in South Africa and its implications for effective policy making".  Journal of International Development. (with J. Cuesta).

2011. "Palabras, Corazones y Mentes en Afganistán” [Words, Hearts, and Minds in Afghanistan] Foreign Affairs:   Latinoamérica 11(2):   51-56. (with J. Cuesta).

2006. "Neighborhood Peacekeeping: The Inter-American Development Bank’s Violence Reduction Programs in Colombia and Uruguay".  Civil Wars, 8(2),197-214. (with M. Buvinić & J. Lamas).

Currently under revision

Alda, E. and Andonoska, L. "Doing More with Less? Assessing the Cost Efficiency of US Police Organizations (Under Review at Applied Economics Letters).

Working papers

2020.The effects of body-worn cameras on police efficiency: A quasi-experimental study of local police agencies in the US". SSRN Working Paper Series and Munich REPEC.

Work in progress

”Are Privately Operated Jails more Efficient?: Evidence from Local Jails in the U.S.” (with L. Andonoska)

”Do additional Body-Worn Cameras increase Police Efficiency: An Examination of Local Police Agencies using Propensity Score Matching for Continuous Treatments”.

”The Evolution of Jail Efficiency in the US: An Analysis using a Malmquist Luenberger Index Approach”.

”Measuring the Performance of the Penitentiary System in Brazil: Are there differences across regions?”

"The Efficiency of the Peruvian National Police in the Presence of Bad Outputs”. (with V. Giménez & D.Prior).

”The Effects of Exogenous Factors on Police Performance in the US: A Conditional Efficiency Approach”.

Books and Edited Volumes

2014. Crime and Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Pressing Emergency, (Lambert Academic Publishing).

2004. Cuál es la Salida? La Agenda Inconclusa de la Seguridad Ciudadana en América Latina y El Caribe. Washington, D.C.: Inter-American Development Bank. (with G. Béliz).

Book Chapters

2022. Police Legitimacy in Chile. (forthcoming w. Lucia Dammert)

Awards / Grants